Michiel Leenaars

di 09 oktober 2018


ARPA2 All Hands - October 2018

We are organising the third ARPA2 All Hands meeting! This is scheduled to take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands on October 9th 2018. Thanks to SURFnet for kindly providing the venue for this event.

ARPA2 All Hands on October 9th 2018

The address:

Kantoren Hoog Overborch (Hoog Catharijne)
Moreelsepark 48
3511 EP Utrecht
The Netherlands

We start at 10:00h and hope to finish around 16:00h, after which we will make sure there are some drinks and finger food to continue the discussion and brainstorming.

The programme will be posted on:


If you have an interest in the ARPA2 project, or one of the various subprojects, do consider attending. If you want to give a presentation about your ideas on ARPA2, you are invited to do so - we are eager to hear your ideas! Also, students and doctoral candidates that are interested in doing a research project inside ARPA2 should end up with plenty of exciting new opportunities. If you know someone that would potentially be interesting in building vital new decentralised infrastructure for the internet - or volunteer in some other capacity - bring them along!

Participants will get an overall introduction to the architecture and thinking behind ARPA2 and an update on the status of the various sub projects. Importantly (and the main reason for an all-hands) you will meet the other people that are active elsewhere in the project, and brainstorm about the future direction of the project.

RSVP: It would be kind if you could send a notice whether you are attending or not, so we can make sure catering etc is all scaled right. Informing us of any dietary requirements of you or your guests will make it easier to take these into account.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me as well.

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