Posts in 'articles' – Page 2


Delivery of KRB5-KDH and TLS-KDH protocol specs

Delivery report of the first instances of the KRB5-KDH and TLS-KDH specifications

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Web Architecture 4: Proper Authentication, anyone?

No protocol is so behind on authentication as the web. It is the most important vehicle for many of us, but we are still dealing with site-specific passwords. And letting this be solved by large corporations isn't quite the Internet style of doing things either.

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Web Architecture 3: the Database Backend

Many websites are dynamic, and require the use of a database in their backend. It is surprising to so how unfit this solution is for the problem at hand.

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Web Architecture 2: Spoiling Script Kiddies?

In the way we run our web applications these days, it is very hard to get it secure. Web authors may not have the skills or be aware of the risks their site is running, and web hosting provider are not in the loop of maintenance for your application. It’s a lose-lose situation. But that could be remedied.

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Web Architecture 1: Stateless Applications?!?

It is common practice in today’s world to be provisioning services over the web protocol HTTP. This is a distortion of the original design philosophy of the web, and it leads to great inefficiencies. But fixing it is easy.

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