Posts in 'Hosting'


Spam Filtering: Balancing the Odds

Mail was designed as a gullable system, and this is generally abused by spammers. Fighting spam is a balancing act between failures to accept and reject. With the more refined identity model of the IdentityHub, we have new tools to strike a better balance.

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Mail Routing 1: Doing it Well and Not-So-Well

Mail is severely hampered by spam, as we all know. Interestingly, some spam prevention tactics are applied so softly that they work against a reliable mail system. Here is a tale from the crypt.

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Emancipation of Telecommunication

Telecommunication through phones and VoIP is not progressing at the pace that it could have. The worlds of the Internet and Telecom do not seem to mix naturally. This article discusses a technology named ENUM that could have solved this if it hadn't been introduced as it was. But it is not beyond repair.

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Back to Hosting

Over the years, the Internet has been neglecting its hosting branch a bit. Anyone capable of running their own server can achieve miracles, but those who cannot need to fallback on services provided. It is not surprising that these users landed with the few "free" service that reign today's Internet.

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