Posts – Page 9


Using SASL with HTTP, Mail and LDAP in Nginx

All our work on identity must somehow end up benefiting applications. One of most interesting bits of software to do this is a frontend proxy. As so often, we find a few parts missing to complete our vision of a better-unified Internet.

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NGI 3: Own your IDentity

When you were born, your parents selected a name (usually one that was not given to any siblings yet) and attached one of their last names. They registered you with that combination, and this is how you have been known for all your life. Wouldn't it be eerie when, upon registration of your name, the clerk had told you that all last names are coerced to that of an industrial who is currently sponsoring a new highway project? On today's Internet, this pattern is standard practice!

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NGI 2: The poverty of HTTP

Give a technician a hammer, and soon she'll see nails everywhere. Why use other tools, if a hammer works so well? This is pretty much the position that HTTP is in, and this is far from well-deserved. A healthy Internet requires a plethora of protocols, all optimised for their particular purposes.

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NGI 1: IPv4 is Killing Progress

IPv4 is no longer possible without NAT, which holds back the development of the Internet. In short, IPv4 has served its time and should be forcefully replaced by IPv6 in the coming 5-6 years.

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IdentityHub: Built with Blocks

The IdentityHub is a rather complex composition of processes. How are we going to design it with practical software? How are we going to help you run your own components? Here's what we have in mind.

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