Posts tagged 'web'


Identity 13: Be Your Own IDentity Provider

If you want to Bring Your Own IDentity (BYOID) to foreign servers you will somehow need to offer an identity provider to them. How would that work?

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Reservoir: Your Data reaching out to You

Many of us rely on "cloud" storage services. They enable us to access the same files from everywhere, but they are fairly dumb and leave all the thinking to people. ARPA2 Reservoir is different, in that it supports metadata, automation and integration in your tools.

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Identity 12: User Names in URLs

We weigh in heavily on the idea of Bring Your Own IDentity. How does this relate to URLs that we see in so many protocols? And especially the HTTP and AMQP URLs?

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Comparing the privacy of HTTP and LDAP

In several places of the InternetWide Architecture, we use LDAP as our data protocol — because it is the most refined standard protocol for digging around in data. What we haven't yet discussed is how its privacy compares to, say, HTTP.

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NGI 2: The poverty of HTTP

Give a technician a hammer, and soon she'll see nails everywhere. Why use other tools, if a hammer works so well? This is pretty much the position that HTTP is in, and this is far from well-deserved. A healthy Internet requires a plethora of protocols, all optimised for their particular purposes.

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