Posts – Page 7


Identity 10: The link with Peer-to-Peer Networking

Throughout our identity document series, we have assumed that we were designing for domain hosting. This does not mean that we discard a highly useful movement towards peer-to-peer (or P2P) networking. Allow us to illuminate how we can see these approaches merge.

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On Display #2: LillyDAP library

Say "little" with a thick tongue, and it sounds like "lill'". That is how we constructed the name LillyDAP, as a nickname for our Little LDAP library. A completely new approach to the protocol, approaching it as a semantically rich data access protocol, rather than a database language.

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On Display #1: Quick DER library

Our work on security makes us deal with a lot of ASN.1 data, mostly encoded as DER. We designed the Quick DER library to have a commercial-grade tool to manipulate it... except that it is released in open source.

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Spam Filtering: Balancing the Odds

Mail was designed as a gullable system, and this is generally abused by spammers. Fighting spam is a balancing act between failures to accept and reject. With the more refined identity model of the IdentityHub, we have new tools to strike a better balance.

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Identity 10: OpenPGP without Web Of Trust

OpenPGP is a powerful technology for signing and encryption, because it does not imply a stiffling key infrastructure. Instead, it uses a Web Of Trust that is flexible... and complicating for new users. We now introduce an approach to securely use OpenPGP without even that.

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