Posts tagged 'hosting' – Page 4


Mail Routing 1: Doing it Well and Not-So-Well

Mail is severely hampered by spam, as we all know. Interestingly, some spam prevention tactics are applied so softly that they work against a reliable mail system. Here is a tale from the crypt.

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Using SASL with HTTP, Mail and LDAP in Nginx

All our work on identity must somehow end up benefiting applications. One of most interesting bits of software to do this is a frontend proxy. As so often, we find a few parts missing to complete our vision of a better-unified Internet.

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IdentityHub: Built with Blocks

The IdentityHub is a rather complex composition of processes. How are we going to design it with practical software? How are we going to help you run your own components? Here's what we have in mind.

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Identity 9: Phone Numbers are User Identities

Although the InternetWide Architecture is building structures to support advanced modern-day users now and in the far future, the properties of personal control over online identity can start really modest, with a simple phone number.

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Identity 8: 1+1=2 Authorisation Mechanisms

While we are tightening our infrastructure, we may also consider letting guests into our setup. As you might expect, we intend to do this in the tightest possible manner.

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